Hello friends! I would like to welcome you to my newest project where I will be showcasing all of my collections as I grow it. What I am interested in right now:
- video games (all platforms and consoles)
- trading cards / collecting cards
- vinyl recordings
- movies and TV shows (DVDs, Bluerays and 4K Ultra HDs)
Unfrotunately my budget is limited as to how much my other business makes. I cannot spend more than 5% of whatever clients pay me (mostly in payments of £2k on monthly basis but I have quite a few clients). So if 3 clients pay me £2k/mo each, I get £6k that week so my budget for the next week will be £300. Now it depends if I want to buy new games or buy older ones or second hand. Same applies to anything else I collect.
Here are a few other things I want to start collecting:
- coins
- magnets (I travel a lot and I already have a few travel magnets so this collection is certainly going to grow)
- chibis and amiigos
- other things
I want to start collecting a lot of things and showcase my collection to the world.
I will have my YouTube channel soon so I will be updating you all on weekly basis with all the newest additions to my collection.
Stay tuned!